Formalism of quantum statistical mechanics#
(Also see Kardar 6.4 (Quantum microstates) and Kardar 6.5 (Quantum macrostates))
Thus far, we dove into quantum stat-mech using the replacement recepie
This is correct, but its worth developing the general formalism.
Classically, we have a distribution over microstates ” \(\mu\) “, \(p(\mu)\), with \(\langle O\rangle=\sum_{\mu} p(\mu) O(\mu)\)
The distribution \(p(\mu)\) depends on ensemble,
The quantum analog is the “density matrix”
The various eq. ensembles are then taken diagonal in \(\hat{H}\) :
QH analog of a distribution over mierostates is the “density matrix”:
Consider a system being in QH micratate \(\left|\psi_{\alpha}\right\rangle\) with probability \(p_{\alpha}\). This can be summarized by the density matrix
Expectation value
To see (*), note that
\(\hat{\rho}\) can be expanded in any orthogonal basis
Note that not all \(\rho_{i j}\) are valid density matrices. Requirements:
(1) \(\operatorname{Tr}(\hat{\rho})=1\)
(2) \(\hat{\rho}^{+}=\sum_{\alpha} p_{\alpha}^{*}\left(\left|\psi_{\alpha}\right\rangle\left\langle\psi_{\alpha}\right|\right)^{*}=\hat{\rho} \). (Hermitian)
(3) For any \(|v\rangle\),
I.e. \(\hat{\rho}\) is “positive semi-definite”
In a general basis, the density matrix typically has the following structure:
By positive semi-definiteness and the definition of the d.m.s., we have
So the “populations”look like probabilities. However, this is basis dependent!
For example, for a single spin, we can convert matrix from the up-down basis to the left- right basis, we obtain
There is always a special basis in which coherence part vanishes, e.g.
We will mostly assume that this basis is time -independent, so we can heuristically work with population \(p_{i}\).
Exercise: Show that the Schrödinger equation
implies the von Neumann equation
(since \(\operatorname{Tr}([A, B])=0\) )
Thus, \(\operatorname{Tr}(\hat{\rho})=1\) is respected under unitarian time evolution.
For time-independent Hamiltonian, we have \(\psi(t)=\hat{U}(t) \psi(0)\) with \( \hat{U}=e^{-i \hat{H} t(\hbar} \) and so
( For a unitarian evolution in a open systan, one obtaines the so-called Lindblad quation which has aspects of a Masters equation)
Density matrices in equilbrium.#
The various equilibrium ensembles are then taken to be diagonal in the \(\hat{H}\) basis:
(Note that \([\hat{H}, \hat{N}]=0\)). The density matrices can be conveniently summarized as operator expressions, eg.
This points to an interesting observation: with
Thus the thermal density matrix is formally equivalent to “imaginary time evolution”,
This mathematical coincidence (??) gives rise to a number of technical tricks (Wick rotation | Euclidean path integral) important to quantum field and many body theory.
For an ensemble like \(\hat{H}-\mu \hat{N}\), where \([\hat{H}, \hat{N}]=0\), it is easy to show that
Note that \(Z\) is just a number (as in classical stat mech) in contrast to \(\hat{H}\) and \(\hat{\rho}\).
So, fortunately, all our thermo results like \(F=-\frac{1}{\beta} \ln (Z), \mu=-\frac{\partial F}{\partial N}\), etc and Maxwell’s relations / thermodynamic inequalities are unchanged by quantum effects. It’s just harder to compute \(Z\) because we need eigenspectrom \(\hat{H} \longrightarrow E_{n}\), which is itself hard!
The Many-Body Hilbert space#
The sum \(\sum_{n} e^{-\beta E_{n}}\left|E_{n}\right\rangle\left\langle E_{n}\right|\) runs over the Hilbert space \(\left|E_{n}\right\rangle \in \mathcal{H}\), so its worth understanding the structure of \(\mathcal{H}\) in a many-body system. 3 common cases:
(1) Spins / quits \(|\uparrow \uparrow \downarrow \uparrow \cdots\rangle\)
(2) Bosons \(\left.\psi\left(x_{1}, x_{2}\right)=\psi\left(x_{2}, x_{1}\right)\right\}\) 1st/2nd
(3) Fermions \(\left.\psi\left(x_{1}, x_{2}\right)=-\psi\left(x_{2}, x_{1}\right)\right\}\) quantization
We start with (1) amd some rudiments of quantum information- (2, 3) are covered in future lectures.
Spins 1 “qu-dits”#
The Hilbert space of \(s=1 / 2\) spin is
In quant-info, call it “qubit”, \(\{|0\rangle,|1\rangle\}\)
Operators spanned by \(2 \times 2\) Paulies \(\sigma^{x / y / z}\), often denoted \(X, Y, Z\) in quant-info.
For spin S,
or “qudit”, \(d=2s+1\).
What about 2 spins?#
The 2-spin \(\mathcal{H}^{(2)}=\mathcal{H}^{(1)} \otimes \mathcal{H}^{(1)}\) is a “tensor product”,
We can extend to \(N\)-spins:
Key: dimension of \(\mathcal{H}^{(N)}=2^{N}\), NOT \(2 * N\)
So to encode a generic microstate
we need \(2^{N}\) complex numbers \(\psi_{\{\sigma\}}\)
Exponentially large in N!!
In contrast, a microstate of the classical Ising model, \(\mu=\sigma_{1} \sigma_{2} \cdots \sigma_{N}\), requires \(N\) classical bits. So your Monte-Carlo simulation of \(20 \times 20=400\) spins needed \(<1\) K B RAM. If we store quantum \(\psi_{\{\sigma\}}\) using 128-bit precision floating point, need
So… simulating quantum w/ classical hard!
Many body operators#
The tensor product structure also extends to operators:
Since \(\hat{X}=\left[\begin{array}{ll}0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0\end{array}\right]\), with notation \(\sigma\in\{1 ,-1\}\),
The \(\hat{Z}_{i}, \hat{X}_{i}\) are \(2^{N} \times 2^{N}\) matrices:
Ex: for \(N=2, \quad\) Hilbert space\(=\{|1,1\rangle, \mid 1,-1\rangle,|-1,1\rangle,|-1,-1\rangle\}\)
Generic \(2^{N} \times 2^{N}\) operators can be built up by adding / multiplying \(\hat{Z}_{i}, \hat{X}_{i}\).
Ex: Transverse - Field Ising model
Typical question:
Given \(\hat{\rho}_{\beta}=e^{-\beta \hat{H} T F I} / Z\), what’s \(\operatorname{Tr}\left(\hat{m} \hat{\rho}_{\beta}\right)\) ?
Not easy, because to obtain \(\hat{\rho}_\beta\) we need to diagonalize \(2^{N} \times 2^{N}\) matrix \(\hat{H}_{T F I}\) ! The biggest computations of this form can handle \(N \sim 20\) or so (see discussions of “quantum supremacy”)
Reduced Density matrices / Entanglement#
In classical probability theory, a distribution over two random variables, \(\mu=\{\mu_{1}, \mu_{2}\}, \quad p\left(\mu_{1}, \mu_{2}\right)\), allows us to define a marginal distribution over one:
If we only care about observables \(O_{1}\left(\mu_{1}\right) \quad\left(\right.\) rather than \(\left.O\left(\mu_{1}, \mu_{2}\right)\right)\)
So, the marginal \(p_{1}\) is sufficient to recover \(\left\langle O_{1}\right\rangle\). Note that, in general,
For example,
does not factorize.
In contrast, for
\(p\left(\mu_{1}, \mu_{2}\right) \neq p_{1}\left(\mu_{1}\right) \cdot p_{2}\left(\mu_{2}\right)\) implies \(\mu_{1}, \mu_{2}\) are “correlated”, and \(\left\langle O_{1} O_{2}\right\rangle \neq\left\langle O_{1}\right\rangle\left\langle O_{2}\right\rangle\).
For a quantum system on \(\mathcal{H}=\mathcal{H}_{1} \bigotimes\mathcal{H}_{2}\), there is an equivalent notion of marginal: the “Reduced Density Matrix”
Let \(\operatorname{span}\left\{\left|i_{1}\right\rangle\right\}=H_{1}=\mathbb{C}^{D_{1}}\), \(i_{1} =1, \cdots, D_{1}\) and \(\operatorname{span}\left(\left\{\left|i_{2}\right\rangle\right\}\right)=H_{2}=\mathbb{C}^{D_{2}}\), \(i_{2} =1, \cdots, D_{2}\)
Then \(\quad \mathcal{H}=\operatorname{span}\left(\left\{\left|i_{1}, i_{2}\right\rangle\right\}\right)=\mathbb{C}^{D_{1} \cdot D_{2}}\)
A generic state is
Consider an observable \(\hat{O}=\hat{O} \otimes \hat{\mathbb{I}}\), which only makes a measurement on subsystem ,’
For example, if we have 2 spins, \(\mathcal{H}=\mathbb{C}^{2} \otimes C^{2}\), we might physically separate them to different regions of the lab, and then use Stern-Gerlach to measure only \(\operatorname{spin} 1: \hat{G}=\hat{Z}_{1} \otimes \hat{\mathbb{1}}_{2}\)
We have
If we define the \(D_{1} \times D_{1}\) matrix
and the corresponding operator
we obtain
So, the “partial trace” \(\hat{\rho}^{(1)}=\operatorname{Tr}_{2}(\hat{\rho})\) is the quantum analog of marginal; called “reduced density matrix” for subsystem 1.
Ex: EPR state \(|E P R\rangle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|\uparrow \downarrow\rangle+|\downarrow \uparrow\rangle)\)
Note \(\hat{\rho}_{1}\) is mixed even though \(\hat{\rho}\) is pure! So
even though \(\left\langle Z_{1} Z_{2}\right\rangle=-1\).
The two EPR spins are correlated even though the system (as a whole) is in a definite (pure) state.
For \(\hat{\rho}=\sum p_{\alpha}|\alpha\rangle\langle\alpha|, \quad\langle\alpha \mid \beta\rangle=\delta_{\alpha \beta}\).
We call a state \(\hat{\rho}\) “pure” if
Otherwise, \(\quad S[\hat{\rho}]>0 \Rightarrow \hat{\rho}\) “mixed
Let \(\mathcal{H}=\mathcal{H}_{1} \otimes \mathcal{H}_{2}\), and \(\quad|\psi\rangle \in \mathcal{H}\).
Clearly, \(\hat{\rho}=|\psi\rangle\langle\psi|\) has \(S[\hat{\rho}]=0\).
However, the RDM \(\hat{\rho}_{1}=\operatorname{Tr}_{2}(\hat{\rho})\) can be mixed. We call \(S\left[\hat{\rho}_{1}\right]\) the “entanglement entropy”.
Even though, the system is in a single fixed pure state \(|\psi\rangle\), measurements between \(1\) and \(2\) are correlated:
Our earlier example was \(|\psi\rangle=|E P R\rangle\), where \(\hat{\rho}_{1}=\text{diag}\left[\begin{array}{ll}1 / 2 & 1 / 2\end{array}\right] \rightarrow S=\ln (2)\) : one bit of entanglement.
Check out recent colloquium by Matthew Fisher on phase transitions in entanglement entropy.
Measures of quantum information#
Many but not all results of classical information theory transfer to the quantum case.
For \(\quad H_{A} \otimes \mathcal{H}_{B}=\mathcal{H}_{A B}, \quad \hat{\rho}_{A}=\operatorname{Tr}_{B}\left(\hat{\rho}_{A B}\right)\), one defines the “mutual information”, which is a measure of total correlation
Important property:
“Strong subadditivity of quantum information” - not easy to prove.